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Inform to Finance

Inform to Finance

The Webinar aims to increase the knowledge of VCs on the state and challenges of the agri-food transition; provide networking opportunities with the most active international VC; meet successful startups; provide information aimed at informing the VC to invest.

Attendees: VCs operating in the VC s value system, from accelerators to late stage

Moderator: Mr. Francesco Cerruti, Director General of Italian Tech Alliance

12:00 Welcome and Introduction
Ms. Livia Amidani Aliberti, Founder of The Agricult

12:10 – 12:30 Investing in agri-food-tech transition
Dr. Erel N. Margalit, Founder and Executive Chairman of Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) & Margalit Startup City

  • The role of venture capitalists in the agri-food tech transition. The point of view of a market leader

12:30 – 13:00 Understanding the new trends
Ms. Carlotte Lucas, Senior Corporate Engagement Manager at Good Food Institute

  • Global trends in food and agriculture from an environmental perspective: drivers, market, consumer
  • Specific challenges of the EU and the Italian markets

Mr. Robert E. Jones, President of Cellular Agriculture Europe

  • International Perspectives on Cellular Agriculture

13:00 – 13:30 Raising capital: players and their success stories

13:30 Conclusions and Q&A
Moderated by Mr. Frances co Cerruti


theAgricult Ltd, UK